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Rayman Legends (PS4)

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Rayman Legends till playstation 4 är spelet som passar alla! Det är ett plattformsspel utvecklat av Ubisoft och passar dig som gillar äventyrsspel i plattformsformat Spelet går dessutom att spela tillsammans med någon vilket gör det hela ännu roligare.Rayman, named platformer of the year and winner of multiple artistic and musical achievements, is coming to the Wii U with a brand new adventure.

Michel Ancel, celebrated creator of Rayman®, Beyond Good & Evil® and the Raving Rabbids® is bringing his innovative creativity to this new and exciting platform. Rayman Legends makes full use of the power of the Wii U.

With the new Wii U controller, discover new ways to platform with its touch-based gameplay, gyroscope technology, and even the ability to extend your playing experience when the TV is off. Additionally, the power of the machine has helped pave the way for new, more detailed graphics and lighting.Rayman, Globox, and the Teensies are off wandering through an enchanted forest when they discover a mysterious tent filled with a series of captivating paintings.

As they look more closely, they notice each painting seems to tell the story of a mythical world. While focusing on a painting that shows a medieval land, they are suddenly sucked into the painting, entering the world, and the adventure begins.


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