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Grand Mountain Adventure Wonderlands (Switch)

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Grand Mountain Adventure WonderlandsAn open world skiing and snowboarding adventure for Nintendo Switch ™Grand Mountain Adventure Wonderlands lets you explore freely and at your pace entire ski resorts and the surrounding mountains Unlock ski lifts and reach new areas by competing in challenges, or enjoy the scenery while you find your own path down the mountains Fancy having fun with your friends? Go on and play in local multiplayer up to 4 players The choice is yours! There are 12 complete open world mountains to explore Each from a different place in the world and with its own unique architecture, environment and feelingFeaturesExplorationStrap on your skis or board and explore 12 huge open world ski resorts Discover powdery backcountry areas, deep forests with wildlife, busy slopes, steep cliffs, high peaks and cozy mountain side villages.ChallengesCompete in Super G, Slopestyle, Big Air, and many other disciplines.

Search for hidden challenges and secret trials outside the slopes. Collect Ski passes all along, the game collectibles!MultiplayerPlay in Local Multiplayer for up to 4 players Race to the finish line, knock down each other with snowballs or cruise down the mountains together Feel free to explore the mountain togetherZEN ModeZEN MODE is all about having a quiet and regenerating time for yourself


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