Ticket To Ride - Europe 15th Anniversary Edition (Eng)

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Ett av modern tids bästsäljare och mest populära brädspel fyller 15 år och det firas med denna jubileumsutgåva av spelet.Ticket to Ride Europe is the follow-up to the award-winning Ticket to Ride. This new train adventure takes you on a ride to the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe.

More than just a new map, it features new gameplay elements including Tunnels, Ferries and Train Stations. Ticket to Ride Europe is a complete new game and does not require the original version.This deluxe and oversized version of Ticket to Ride Europe celebrates years of thrilling train adventures for many families and friends.Featuring finely detailed plastic trains and stations coming in gorgeous tin boxes, this version is a spare no expense definitive edition of the classic Ticket to Ride® Europe oversized board, all the destination tickets published to date along with a set of beautiful new artwork.Contains1 Giant Board map of European train routes with all new illustrations5 Tin Boxes, each with 45 finely sculpted wagon cars15 Colored Train Stations5 Scoring Markers1 Rules booklet110 Train Car CardsAll 108 Destination Ticket Cards published to date1 European Express Bonus Card1 Big Cities Reference CardGame Information2-5 PlayersAge 8+30-60 minutes .


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