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Deckscape: Test Time (Eng)

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Deckscape Test Time is the first title in a series of cooperative games inspired by real escape rooms in which a group of people is "trapped" inside a room full of puzzles and odd items. The goal of the game is to solve puzzles, understand the plot of the story, and make intelligent use of the items provided in order to exit from the room as quickly as possible.In Deckscape Test Time, you have been selected from Doctor Thyme"s most brilliant students for a special project.

He"ll test your skills, and if you succeed, you"ll get a unique chance to help him on his newest and greatest invention. While he"s explaining his project, he distractedly pushes a button an alarm cries loudly and heavy gratings shut all the windows and the exit door.

The laboratory is locked! Doc Thyme falls through a trapdoor below his feet and the lights turn off Will you be able to pass Doctor Thyme"s exam and exit his laboratory? Using just sixty cards, you will take part in a hectic adventure, without leaving home. .


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