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Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle

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AN EPIC JOURNEY STARRING EIGHT HEROESEmbark with your team of heroes on an epic quest to free your friends and put the Mushroom Kingdom back in order!Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Yoshi will join forces with four Rabbids heroes, each with their own unique personalities boastful Rabbid Mario, fearful Rabbid Luigi, sassy Rabbid Peach, and off-his-rocker Rabbid Yoshi.Explore four iconic worlds filled with chests and secrets, solve puzzles, and defeat unpredictable enemies on the battlefield.A CRAZY TACTICAL ADVENTUREMario and his friends will use never-before-seen weapons to engage in combat with their foes With an arsenal of more than 250 weapons with unique statistics and specificities, players will choose how best to equip each of their eight heroes.Turn-based gameplay allows players to take the time they need to position their heroes and unleash their actions.Play additional co-op challenges with a friend in local multiplayer, featuring three levels of difficulty.


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