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Ticket to Ride Track Switcher (Eng)

Hög kvalitet Hög kvalitet
Pressade priser Pressade priser
Brett utbud och sortiment Brett utbud


Welcome to the 1900, the Age of the Locomotive! Railways connect every major city in the country, allowing people to travel considerable distances in just a few days Trains are more popular than ever before, and the railyard continuously bustles with activity as engineers and yard workers scramble to move cars onto their departure tracks.

As a railyard manager, you have an essential role to play...In Ticket to Ride Track Switcher, players will use cognitive skills like logic, spatial reasoning and sequencing to direct locomotives and shift trains into their correct positions. Players will direct locomotives and shift trains into their correct position based on the puzzle card to ensure every train will leave on schedule.


Här kan du fördjupa dig i en mängd olika ämnen, från nyheter och trender till tips och råd inom en rad olika områden. Vårt mål är att erbjuda högkvalitativt innehåll som inspirerar, informerar och utbildar våra läsare. Läs vidare för att upptäcka spännande ämnen och få inspirationen till att vidga era vyer.

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