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The Station

Hög kvalitet Hög kvalitet
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Brett utbud och sortiment Brett utbud


The Station is an atmospheric, first-person sci-fi mystery, set on a deserted space stationA three-person crew is sent to study a sentient alien civilization, locked in civil war. Unable to contact the crew, the player assumes the role of a recon specialist, to uncover what happened.What players discover will challenge their view of surveillance, imperialism and moral lawFEATURESA World of Augmented RealityTechnology has gone through a digital revolution and conversations, notes and even computers are experienced in full Augmented RealityRanging from personal to professional, these AR logs will let players explore what was taking place on-boardIntuitive Problem SolvingThe secrets on-board the station will resist being uncovered and you must rely on your ability to identify and solve intuitive but subtle problems Piece Together a Living StoryEach room and space will have a unique moment to share if you look close enoughFor the keen eye, a rich story awaits“An unforgettable experience, pushing the progress of interactive story telling in video games.” 85% Game Insider .


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