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Raspberry Pi Sense Hat

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Raspberry Pi Sense HAT for Astro PiThe Sense HAT from the folks at Raspberry Pi is an add-on board that fits perfectly on top of your Pi to provide you with plenty of sensing functionality. This means that the Sense HAT is great for learning about environmental conditions, particularly within space science.

Sense HAT + Pi Board = Astro Pi!What"s on-board the Pi Sense HAT?•8 x 8, 16-bit LED display that outputs sense data via shapes, icons and messages•Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) — essential for velocity, orientation and gravity measurement of a space craft, the IMU combines an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer into one chip •Barometric air pressure sensor•Temperature sensor•Humidity sensor•5-button joystick that serves as an on-board keyboard and mouseHow do I get started with the Pi Sense HAT?Once the HAT is assembled with your Pi board, you will need to install Astro Pi software You can now start to program — the Raspberry Pi Foundation provide great examples to start programming with such as showing a rainbow of colours on the LED display or rotating the LED display.


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