Arkham Horror The Card Game: Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion (Eng)

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We are proud to announce Edge of the Earth, two new expansions for Arkham Horror The Card Game!That’s right, you read that correctly We are unveiling not one, but two new expansions the Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion and the Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion.

These two expansions are the first in line of the new way we will be releasing Arkham Horror LCG expansions going forward. Read on to discover exactly what this means for the future of the game, and to see what sort of new horrors these boxes bring to the table!Before we show off any new investigators, scenarios, or any other goodies, let’s take a moment to discuss the elephant in the room the fact that these two expansions are both called Edge of the Earth

You may have guessed that one of the expansions has nothing but player cards and the other has nothing but scenario cards, and you would be right!In the Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion, you’ll find a treasure trove of player cards the likes of which you’ve never seen in Arkham history With five investigators and around 250 cards to expand your deckbuilding options, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to strengthen your player card content like never before.Meanwhile, the Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion has no player cards in sight.

Instead, this expansion contains over 300 scenario cards to support the entirety of the Edge of the Earth campaign, including the materials for a breathtaking new story, branching paths, and more. The best part? All you need is a core set and a copy of this expansion to jump right into this chilling tale—no other materials required! While we will no longer be releasing monthly Mythos packs going forward, this single expansion contains about the same amount of content as an entire cycle from the old release model

It’s a full campaign all in one package!Which brings us to the main point we wanted to make while both of these expansions share the name Edge of the Earth and their contents are thematically related to each other, you do not need to get them both to enjoy either one of them Are you just looking to bolster your player cards? Grab the Investigator Expansion.

Just want a new campaign to test your mettle? Pick up the Campaign Expansion. Craving as much Arkham goodness as you can get your hands on, like we know you do? Grab them both!


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