Dark Souls: The Great Grey Wolf Sif SD PVC Statue

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En 22 cm hög staty inspirerad från spelet Dark Souls.Här är producentens egen beskrivning av statynThere is a cutscene that plays just before the start of The Great Grey Wolf, Sif boss battle, and there are two variations to this cutscene depending on how players progress through the game. This statue"s concept is inspired by the alternate cutscene, which can be unlocked by first going through the contents of the Artorias of the Abyss DLC before facing Sif.

The design of the base helps to recreate the cutscene as well, as it replicates the mossy grounds of Darkroot Garden, which is where the events took place. During the alternate cutscene, the player character falls on their back as The Great Grey Wolf, Sif slowly approaches them, and Sif will remember their familiar scent.


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